Parents in College:  Cincinnati State Student-Parent Questionnaire
The Parenting Resource Center (PRC) would love to hear from you. If you are a Cincinnati State student who is parenting or pregnant, help us get to know you by completing this 3-minute questionnaire.

You can submit each semester or as often as your situation changes.

Information about the PRC can be found at, and by contacting us at 513-569-4766 or  Come visit us in Main Bldg. Rm. 135, Clifton Campus.
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Which resources would you use?
What formats for the above would you use?
What are your most significant challenges as a parent and/or a student?
What is going well for you? What are your strengths?
Age/s of your child/ren:
Last question! How did you learn about this questionnaire? Check all that apply.
Type your name and CState e-mail address to be added to the Parents in College Blackboard Community, where you will receive occasional updates regarding resources and events.  This site also offers a wealth of parenting and academic information.
Thank you for your time! Feel free to enter additional thoughts below.
You may contact the PRC at,  513-569-4766 (ph), 513-399-7473 (txt), or Main Building room 135, Clifton Campus.
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