Company of…

They have been laughing and chatting about various things and while I tried to get involved in the discussion, I found myself slowly going into the drain.

Like being sucked away….
Everyone kept asking what the problem was and all I could replied with was, “I’m emotionally tired”

In fact, I was tired and not in the happy mood…..
I just walked behind the company of people walking with me.

Thinking about nothing and all things, I quietly disappeared from the conversations.

My body was weak and my mind was tired.

The only person who really wanted to know, had to leave for home because it was late and so, I was left again with those who asked but not really trying to find out….

Then it occurred to me:

Many are going through their own stuff and don’t even want to get involved in another’s.

That doesn’t make them bad, it just mean they are not the right people to talk to at that time

Being in a company of people, doesn’t mean you will be okay or doesn’t protect you from the weight of life.
You can be depressed or feel really down and no one will know.

The best way to get up is to talk or may I say, voice out

Talk to God, talk to someone.

Avoid staying alone….

Many times, staying alone to think on something is not always the best option. Yeah, it’s good to take time out/retreat to dig deep into your mind. It’s nice and all to process things and pray alone, away from noise and people, but not in all cases. Some times, try staying where people are so you don’t drown yourself into a depressive state.

Take a walk too, write if you have to. In all, learn how to process things and bounce back too.
You are so precious to someone out there and wallowing in issues of life for too long won’t help anyone.

Get to pray, talk to a friend, take a walk

Write your feelings down and don’t compare yourself with anyone

And finally….give yourself time to bounce back stronger with the mindset that you are hope to someone else…..

#contentwriter #storytelling #poet


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