EDGE Registration

It is mandatory for you to sign up PRIOR to coming to EDGE. If you are not able, we will have physical forms for you to fill out before dropping off your child. If you have more the one child at EDGE you have to complete this form for each child you have coming to EDGE. Once you finish submitting this form, it will give you the option to submit another form for your other children. Please complete the questions FULLY - you will not be able to move one without answering the questions with the red asterisk.

 If there are any issues or questions please contact me at shjaxyouth@gmail.com or at (904) 771-2152

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Sacred Heart EDGE LOGO
Children's First & Last Name: *
Child's Grade Level *
Main Contact: Parent 1 Name:  *
Main Contact: Parent 1 Phone Number:  *
 Main Contact: Parent 1 Email:    *
Parent 2 Name (optional)
Parent 2 Phone Number (optional)
Parent 2 Email (optional)
The safety of your children is our top priority. Are there any health or allergy concerns that you would like to make us aware about? If NOT just write N/A.  *
Please Read the Code of Conduct and parent/teenager please mark at the bottom that you agree that you (or your child) will follow our rules, and, in the unfortunate occasion where misbehavior is consistent and not improved, they will be asked to not return.

Sacred Heart youth ministry is a ministry of our Church community. We accept middle school aged children from both our Catholic school and our public school. Our Catholic School is a ministry of the mission of our Church. Our mission in youth ministry is to help our children to grow spiritually, ethically, and emotionally and become disciple-like-leaders in our community. The reason we have the following rules is to help the success of our mission. The rules we have are similar to those that you will see in your home, at school, sports teams, school clubs, etc. Children who do not display good behavior will be notified of the issue at youth group and will be asked to not participate during certain times of youth group. If bad behavior continues, our youth minister will speak to your parents. In a worst-case scenario, we will ask you to not continue with us for the rest of the school year.


Please look over the following rules, child and parent :

1.       NO Phones- can stay in the purses/bags or will be collected by leader and given back at the end of the meeting.

2.       Bullying will not be tolerated.

3.       Must listen when the leaders are talking.

4.       Respect for leaders and peers both returning and new.

5.       Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. No pushing, hitting or fighting of any kind.

6.       Use school appropriate language – No foul language or name calling.

7.       Please wear appropriate and modest clothing to youth group. NO tank-tops, low-cut shirts, ripped pants.

8.       Please do NOT wear sandals to youth group. We want your feet to be protected.

9.       Please do NOT walk out of youth group without talking to your leader – let us know your parents are here.

10.   Please assist in cleaning up – treat the areas that we use as if it were your home.

RSVP: Do you plan on attending our EDGE Kick-Off on Wednesday, Sept. 14th  *
FUNDRAISER: We are creating EDGE themed water bottles for you to uses at school, at EDGE, or at any service hour event. Would you be interested? Bottles will be priced between $15 to $25. *
EDGE is not possible without the help of our trusted and enthusiastic volunteers. Would you like to sign up and Volunteer at our EDGE Nights? All Volunteers have to be 16 or up. 
If you said  yes OR maybe, to the last question please write your contact info in the space below. 
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